Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sights and Smells of the commute.

Sorry for the lack of updates this week. Its been a long one, and not too eventful. I thought I'd give you a virtual sensory tour of the commute I take.

The bus ride itself isn't bad. Just lots of green fields and too many cars. Punk kids and wanna be gangsters mix in with the business people, just trying to get to work. I normally have a book with me at all times.

Once I get to the city is when things get interesting. A man washes down the sidewalk and the smell of bleach stings my nose, but its the pungent smell of urine under that makes my nose wrinkle.

All the way down the street I pass blankets rolled out in front of business doors, some occupied some not. The man who sells carnations and newspapers in front of a Burger King says hello to me everyday to me. I smile back and most of the time he gives me a carnation just because I treated him like a human being, whereas most people ignore him or hurl insults at him.

Turning the corner towards school I pass a group of three huddled under their blankets. These three, I avoid. Its not that they are rude or anything, but the last time I gave one of them a dollar, immediately she came back with booze. It sadness me that the dollar didn't go towards something more important. The homeless problem in the area is horrid, and I know that its just a small segment of those in town that are without homes, and most without hope.

The best part of my day is on my way back from school, after the shuttle ride back from the main campus. Whatever I made in class that day, I've spooned into little containers. I make a point to gather leftovers from anyone in class who doesn't want them. On my way back up to my bus stop, I hand out the containers to the people I see sitting in breeze ways trying to stay away from the cold wind that whips through the streets. I feel good that they are getting something healthy and warm to eat. I know its not doing much, but I like to think I make a little bit of a difference.

A Side Note:

Brunhilde cracked once more. After failing the final in Food Science, (which is stupid in itself, because we were allowed to use our notes) and getting a D in the class, she stormed out and punched a locker in the hallway. The dent was 4 inches deep. She won't be at school anymore. They kicked her out, and are making her pay for the lockers she damaged. I hope she grows up soon.


Anonymous said...
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Mama Mia said...

You are now part of the regular city scene... people see you and know you and some hope you will come by. I like hearing the extras are going to those less fortunate and I am proud that you are the conduit. Your journey as Queen of Tarts is just beginning to unfold.